Our Events

Get inspired, share knowledge, celebrate success and connect with your community at one of our events designed specifically for legacy professionals.

Legacy Strategy Summit

Join the biggest online summit for legacy giving professionals!

This annual event takes place in June and brings together charities of all sizes to share ideas, inspiration and the latest developments in legacy fundraising strategy. Whether you’re just starting out on your legacy fundraising journey or are looking to build on your existing processes, this is a must-attend event for your legacy team.

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Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 

The Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 2024 will showcase the outstanding achievements, talent and dedication of UK legacy giving professionals, and spotlight the vital and significant income that gifts in wills bring to charities.

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Excellence in legacy Administration

The biggest names in legacy administration gather at this event every December to share practical tips, techniques and advice for maximising legacy income, keeping up with innovations and the latest in-depth insight into legacy trends.

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